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Confined Artists and free Spirits

It was important to have a voice accustomed to nature, in this project, as much of what we are experiencing today is a direct result of the imbalance between our industrialised world and the natural environment, a malaise, we humans, have created with our two hands. 

Wildlife photographer Michou von Beschwitz has this to say: ‘I have always felt a great affinity and connection with animals which is why I chose to specialise in wildlife photography for the last decade.

Covid-19 has drawn attention to the precarious balance between humans and the natural world. The wet markets, where it is said to have originated, are hell on earth for animals. I cannot help but see the virus as nature’s revenge – putting us back inside so it can breathe without our heavy presence for a while. I am happy that Mother Nature is getting a breather. Saying that, I look forward getting out into the big wild world again, and tracking some of the magnificent creatures that roam the planet.’ 

Credits : Maryam Eisler, LUX Magazine, Conde Nast, Photo London Fair, Art Net, Tristan Hoare Gallery